16th February

Posted 13/02/2025 12:25:22

Sunday 16th February
Third Sunday before Lent
8am Holy Communion at St. Michael’s
9am Holy Communion at Christ the King
10.30am Holy Communion at St. Michael’s
6.30pm Evening Prayer at St. Michael’s

Monday 17th
8am Morning Prayer on Zoom
6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom

Tuesday 18th
8am Morning Prayer on Zoom
9.30am Holy Communion at Christ the King
10am Drop In at Christ the King
6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
7.30pm Bell Ringers’ AGM
Wednesday 19th
8am Morning Prayer on Zoom
6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Thursday 20th
9.30am Holy Communion at St. Michael’s
10am Drop in at St. Michael’s Community Hall
6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Friday 21st
No services
Saturday 22nd
8am Morning Prayer on Zoom
6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom

Sunday 23rd February
Second Sunday before Lent
8am Holy Communion at St. Michael’s
9am Holy Communion at Christ the King
10.30am Holy Communion at St. Michael’s
6.30pm Evening Prayer at St. Michael’s