Our Church News

9th March</a>

9th March


So Lent begins. We have services and Lent Groups for worship and study and the charities we support for alms giving. Come along and join us.

23rd February</a>

23rd February


Lent draws nearer but so does the spring. Our services continue as normal.

16th February</a>

16th February


As we head towards Lent all of our usual services are taking place this week.

Memory Cafe</a>

Memory Cafe


The memory cafe takes place on Tuesday 25th March 2pm until 4pm in the hall.

Music for March</a>

Music for March


The hymns for our services in March.

Signs of spring</a>

Signs of spring


Take time to walk around the churchyard and look for the spring flowers as they begin to appear.

We are a dementia friendly church</a>

We are a dementia friendly church


We are continuing our work towards being a dementia friendly church where everyone is supported and feels valued.

Bell ringing - interesting and fun</a>

Bell ringing - interesting and fun


Interested in learning more about this traditional art?
It's not so strenuous as you may think but there is still a lot more to it.