Music is a big partof our worship at St. Michael's. Our organist Tony Lister leads a choir of eight who help lead our Sunday 10.30am service and a choral evensong on the first Sunday of the month.
January 5th The Epiphany
9am Christ the King
Opening 152 Earth has many a noble city
Closing 85 Brightest and best
10.30am St. Michael’s – Seeker service
Opening 152 Earth has many a noble city
Gradual 724 We three Kings
Offertory 641 The first Nowell
Communion Choir choice
Communion 427 Love came down at Christmas
Closing 49 As with gladness men of old
6.30pm Evensong
552 O worship the Lord
Psalm 98
85 Brightest and best
326 In the bleak midwinter
36 Angels from the realms of glory
January 12th The Baptism of Christ
9am Christ the King
Opening 527 On Jordan’s bank
Closing 70 Be thou my vision
10.30am St. Michael’s
Opening 527 On Jordan’s bank
Psalm 29
Offertory 221 God is working his purpose out
Communion Choir choice
Communion 506 O let the Son of God enfold you
Closing 716 We have a gospel to proclaim
January 19th The Second Sunday of Epiphany
9am Christ the King
Opening 580 Rejoice the Lord is King
Closing 382 Let all the world
10.30am St. Michael’s
Opening 352 Jesus is Lord, creation’s voice proclaims it
Psalm 36: 5-10
Offertory 609 Songs of thankfulness and praise
Communion Choir choice
Communion 411 Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us
Closing 382 Let all the world
January 26th The Third Sunday of Epiphany
9am Christ the King
Opening 231 God’s Spirit is in my heart
Closing 72 Bind us together, Lord
10.30am St. Michael’s
Opening 259 Hail to the Lord’s anointed
Psalm 19: 1-6
Offertory 485 O for a thousand tongues to sing
Communion Choir choice
Communion 231God’s Spirit is in my heart
Closing 72 Bind us together Lord