Our Team @Rushall Parish

A whole team of people work together to run our two churches and everyone has a role to play (though some are more visible than others).

In addition to clergy and lay readers, there are servers and choristers, readers and intercessors, church cleaners, churchyard clearers, cake makers and welcomers. Each one of these, and others, are important in the running of our church and we are very grateful to everyone who volunteers their time and energy to help.

Colin Such

 of Rushall Parish, Walsall'>

Reverend Vicar of Rushall

Peter Carmody-Heaton

 of Rushall Parish, Walsall'>

Reverend - Assistant Pioneer Curate

Bob Barnard

 of Rushall Parish, Walsall'>

Church Warden, Deanery Synod Rep, Baptism preparation and Pastoral Care

Charles Jones

 of Rushall Parish, Walsall'>

Lay Reader Emeritus 

Carol Beckwith

 of Rushall Parish, Walsall'>

Lay Reader, PCC and Dementia Coordinator

Glenys Barnard

 of Rushall Parish, Walsall'>

Wedding Enquiries

Jan Firth

 of Rushall Parish, Walsall'>

Lay Reader, Churchwarden and Eco/Environment champion

Tony Lister

 of Rushall Parish, Walsall'>

Church Organist

Gill Clark

Church Hall Diary