All are welcome to join us in our churches in Rushall. Please explore our website and contact us if you want to know more.
Our main 10.30am service is streamed live on facebook and is available on there afterwards too and you can watch the sermon on our YouTube channel.
Our readings reveal the wonder of creation, a creation that we charged to care for.
Almighty God,
give us reverence for all creation
and respect for every person,
that we may mirror your likeness
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Common Worship collect)
23rd February
Lent draws nearer but so does the spring. Our services continue as normal.
16th February
As we head towards Lent all of our usual services are taking place this week.
Memory Cafe
The memory cafe takes place on Tuesday 25th February 2pm until 4pm in the hall.
Sunday 9th February
Signs of spring are appearing - our readings in the services this week also promise better things ahead.
Signs of spring
Take time to walk around the churchyard and look for the spring flowers as they begin to appear.
We are a dementia friendly church
We are continuing our work towards being a dementia friendly church where everyone is supported and feels valued.
Bell ringing - interesting and fun
Interested in learning more about this traditional art?
It's not so strenuous as you may think but there is still a lot more to it.